english girl at home

A Sewing & Knitting Blog, Made in Birmingham, England

Handmade Christmas – Gifts Given & Received


Screen Printed Tee

While I’m still feeling suitably Christmassy, and before the cards and decorations need to come down, I thought I’d post about the handmade gifts I gave or received this year.

I like to make Christmas gifts for close family and friends, but I normally combine these with bought presents, to avoid having unrealistic amounts of presents to make.

The tee pictured was a gift for Phil. The tee is RTW; I screen printed the text on the front, which is a snippet from a Barenaked Ladies song. To do this I typed the text in Word and altered the size and font until I had what I wanted, then printed a copy. I attached the print-out to an A4 sheet of acetate and carved the letters out to create a relatively sturdy stencil. I then used the stencil with my printing frame and fabric ink to print onto the tee. To save Phil from needing to pose in it, it’s pictured here on my dress form.

Screen Printed Tee

For three friends, I made Linden Sweatshirts by Grainline Studio, in identical fabrics but different sizes. Both the jersey and ribbing used were purchased from Minerva Crafts. The Linden is a good pattern to make as a gift as it isn’t too fitted.

Linden Sweatshirt by Grainline Studio

Linden Sweatshirt by Grainline Studio

For my two Grandmothers, I used the Madrid tote pattern from the first issue of Seamwork. I simplified the pattern slightly due to available time and missing a few supplies. I made these totes in plether and wool-blend, with a wax print for the lining and handles.

Madrid Tote Bag

Madrid Tote Bag

Madrid Tote Bag

I also took part in two online secret Santas this year: the Bloggers’ Secret Santa organised by Dino Princess Char and the Crafty Secret Santa organised by Kat. I sent buttons, ribbon and handmade baubles.

I received an amazing selection of Tiger goodies from Sarah in the Bloggers’ Secret Santa.

Bloggers' secret Santa Christmas 2014

And some lovely fabric from a mystery Santa:) in the Crafty Secret Santa.

Crafty Secret Santa 2014

I also took part in the Christmas Decoration Swap organised by Marilla Walker. I was paired up with Fiona, who sent this gorgeous decoration.

Christmas decoration swap

In return, I sent two knitted baubles. I made quite a few of these in different wools using a pattern included in Mollie Makes. I like the baubles made with multi-coloured wool best as you get a great effect with no effort. The white and red baubles below were made with wool which included glitter and sequins – it looks suitably festive but was a pain to knit with as the glitter thread had a tendency to snap and the sequins could get caught in the wool.

Hand Knitted Baubles

Hand Knitted Baubles

Hand Knitted Baubles

I have one more present to show, but I’m saving that for its own post.


Author: Charlotte

Sewist, crafter & blogger, based in Birmingham, England. I'm spending the year growing and gathering to create natural dyes and enhance my sewing projects. Find me at englishgirlathome.com

4 thoughts on “Handmade Christmas – Gifts Given & Received

  1. They are all lovely! 💝

  2. Such great work

  3. Pingback: 2014: A Wrap-Up | english girl at home

  4. I love bnl. Be my yoke ono makes me giggle so much. Great baubles! And such sweet gifts for everyone. Aren’t you kind


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