english girl at home

A Sewing & Knitting Blog, Made in Birmingham, England

SewBrum Meet-Up October 2014


SewBrum Logo
I have some exciting news to share today, there is going to be a sewists meet-up in Birmingham this October! I thought it was time for a Midlands meet-up following the awesome Birmingham meet-up in June 2013 organised by Marie, Kat and Claire &, of course, NYLon organised by Rachel in May.

The date of the SewBrum meet-up is Saturday 04th October 2014, so there is plenty of time to make plans to join us. This meet-up will be taking in both Birmingham city centre and also the amazing Guthrie & Ghani located in Moseley Village. I know that lots of sewists who don’t live locally really want to visit Guthrie and Ghani so this is your chance:) Lauren Guthrie is keeping the beautiful studio space above the shop free for the meet-up in the afternoon so we’ll have plenty of space to natter & compare purchases! Everyone is welcome, just sign-up using the form below so that we know to expect you.

Provisional Itinerary

More details will be released nearer the date of the event but the provisional plans are as follows. If you have any suggestions let me know.

10:00: Meet at Birmingham New Street Station

10:30-12:30: Birmingham’s fabric stores (Barry’s Fabric; Fancy Silk Store; Bull Ring Markets). The Bull Ring markets and fabric stores are located close together so attendees can decide where they would prefer to spend their morning.

12:30 – 13:30: Reconvene and travel to Moseley Village (Guthrie & Ghani) by bus. (The journey between the city centre and Moseley only takes 15 by bus & buses are every 5-10 minutes).

13:30 – 16:00: Guthrie & Ghani. Attendees will have plenty of time to spend in the shop which sells sewing  and knitting supplies (patterns, fabric, wool & notions). The studio above the shop will be available to attendees from 14:30 onwards where we will be able to natter, compare purchases, and hold a pattern & fabric swap. Tea/coffee and cake will be available in the studio with all donations for refreshments going to Parkinson’s UK.

Note: A group lunch isn’t currently planned, but I’ll provide some recommendations of  good places to eat in Birmingham and Moseley.

Sign-up Form

If you’re planning to join us, sign-up below. I’ll create a list of attendees & share this on the blog in advance of the meet-up so we can visit each other’s blogs and see who is attending (note: your email address will only be used to contact you about the event. I will share blog links but not email addresses on my blog).

[Sign-Up Closed]


If you’re planning to join us why not add a button to your website, simply copy the code from one of the boxes below into the html/text editor on your blog, or share using the hashtag #sewbrum

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Author: Charlotte

Sewist, crafter & blogger, based in Birmingham, England. I'm spending the year growing and gathering to create natural dyes and enhance my sewing projects. Find me at englishgirlathome.com

3 thoughts on “SewBrum Meet-Up October 2014

  1. Pingback: Quilts and SewBrum | claregetscrafty

  2. Damnit. My friends are getting married that weekend, how inconsiderate of them!
    Sounds like a great plan – hopefully I’ll make it to G&G one day.

  3. Pingback: SewBrum meet up | Little Squish

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