english girl at home

A Sewing & Knitting Blog, Made in Birmingham, England


Attendees of the Sew-Brum meet-up on 04th October 2014 are listed below. If I have missed you off the list or you’d like me to add your blog/twitter info please contact me.

Alison / http://anotherlittlecraftycreation.wordpress.com / @Crafty_Alibobs
Amanda Stinton
Amanda Wyatt / http://wearawyatt.blogspot.co.uk / @inspired2sew
Amy T / http://almondrock.co.uk / @almondrock_sews
Angie Nicholson
Ann Hebden / http://allmyownworkbyann.com / @amowby
Anne Bird
Anne Wagenhauser / http://bellemegan.wordpress.com / @mercuryhandmade
Becky Millard
Camilla / http://pootleandmake.wordpress.com/
Catharine Moreton
Catherine Howard
Char / http://dinoprincesschar.blogspot.co.uk / @dinoprincesschr
Charlie / http://thisblogisnotforyou.com / @tbinfy
Charlotte Forcer / @tracesofrock
Claire / http://www.iwanttobeaturtle.com / @iwanttobeturtle
Claire / http://www.sew-incidentally.com / @ClaireSews
Daniela / http://ela-sews.blogspot.co.uk / @ElaSews
Emma Thompson / http://www.emmasenchantedworld.wordpress.com
Helen Siddonhttp://justsewtherapeutic.wordpress.com
Helena / http://www.libraknitsandsews.blogspot.com
Jade Sukhdeo
Janet Pheasant
Jill Hubbard
Jo Norcup / @jonorcup
Joanna Gemmell
Judy Blurton
Katie / http://www.whatkatiesews.net / @whatkatiedoes
Kelly Smith / http://makesewdo.wordpress.com / @makesewdo
Linda McGrath
Liz Hughes
Louise / http://notsewsimple.wordpress.com / @notsewsimple
Louise / http://thereshesews.wordpress.com / @LouiseBibbings
Lynn Clemson
Maria Clemson
Meg / http://mookaht.blogspot.co.uk / @MegMookaht
Michelle Lowe
Montana Howe / https://montanadesigns.wordpress.com / @myssmarsh
Nicole Needleshttp://nicoleneedles.blogspot.co.uk
Rachel Shaw / http://www.astudyinstitching.blogspot.com
Rachel Wain / http://rachagainstthesewingmachine.blogspot.co.uk / @rachel_wain
Sarah Ford / http://www.amilliondresses.com / @amilliondresses
Sue Lill
Susan Ward / http://wevebroughtthewrongbox.wordpress.com
Thea / http://www.theainsewingland.wordpress.com / @TheaSewingland
Vicky Warnes
Victoria Maus / http://www.littlesquish.co.uk/blog / @LittleSquishUK
Victoria Peat / http://www.littleblackduck.co.uk / @LBDuck

4 thoughts on “Attendees

  1. I am solo excited for this meet up! I didn’t think so many people would sign up already, hello fellow crafties and sewists!

  2. Pingback: Sew Brum Meet-Up: Interview with Lauren Guthrie | englishgirlathome

  3. Great list! Excited to be seeing some familiar faces again and meeting the rest of this lovely bunch!

  4. hi just wondering where we are meeting to catch the bus to Moseley and also what time?


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