english girl at home

A Sewing & Knitting Blog, Made in Birmingham, England

Favourite Crafty Podcasts

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Woolful Podcast

Like just about every other sewist, I’m partial to a podcast while sewing or knitting.

Zoe wrote a great post recently about her favourite podcasts, where I found a few more to subscribe to. Zoe’s list didn’t include any crafty podcasts, and I’m particularly partial to a crafty podcast for inspiration when I’m creating. Below are some of my favourites.


Woolful may be my favourite podcast. It’s released weekly so you can get a regular fix, I like listening every weekend:) It’s a podcast which features interviews (normally two per episode) with a diverse range of people involved in the fibre industry, including farmers, yarn producers, dyers, and shearers. As a result, I have learned loads about yarn production from listening. It’s also great for learning about independent businesses and products – so is highly likely to result in you buying more yarn.

The Sewing Affair

Each episode of the Sewing Affair contains a single interview with a sewing blogger / designer. By focusing each episode on a single interview, host Corinne is able to spend time exploring how the interviewee started sewing, their other craft interests, their current projects, their business, etc. I like having the opportunity to hear some of my favourite bloggers tell us a bit more about themselves.

Crafty Planner

Like the Sewing Affair, each episode of Craft Planner includes a single interview with a creative: designer / business owner / artist (with quilting most heavily featured). Interestingly, host Sandi has recently been trying to celebrate diversity in the craft world by interviewing makers from a range of different backgrounds.

♥  Thread Cult

Episodes are released infrequently, but I’d highly recommend the past episodes. Again, episodes typically feature a single interview with a creative from the sewing and textile community. The interviews cover a really wide range of topics including haute couture, quilting, shibori, and natural dyeing.


The podcast for Pom Pom Quarterly magazine. Each episode includes updates from the London-based Pom Pom Quarterly team, product reviews and interviews.

Knit British

The Knit British podcast explores UK produced yarns, yarn events, and businesses. This one is probably more relevant if you live in the UK, although it has an international audience. The blog has great posts on locally produced yarns for £5 or less and £10 or less.


A really unique podcast which explores knitting and yarn in relation to sound, and knitting inspired by everyday places and objects. I’d also really recommend the KNITSONIK blog.

Curious Handmade

A podcast exploring knitting and craft, including regular interviews, with knit designer Helen.

Yarn in the City

London-based podcast exploring what hosts Rachel and Allison are knitting and spinning, and fibre events. Rachel and Allison also organise the Yarn in the City, London yarn crawl.

A Playful Day

Knitting and craft podcast, with news from host Kate, and interviews. Host Kate is currently exploring new-to-her crafts.

Sustainable World Radio – Ecology and Permaculture Podcast

Sustainable World Radio has interesting episodes about natural dyeing, the fibershed project, and other permaculture topics.

Reyna Lay Designs Podcast

Interviews with creatives, exploring their creative background, current plans, and the response they have received online.

Yarns from the Plain

Updates from Nic on what she has been knitting and dyeing, and what she is exciting about.

Plutonium Muffins Podcast

Knitting, spinning, and craft podcast, with a focus on natural fibres. Host Corrie updates on her current projects, talks about UK fibre events, and conducts interviews.

What’s Your Story

Another great interview podcast. Host Meighan interviews creatives in a wide range of areas, including weaving, sewing and quilting.

BBC In Our Time

This BBC history podcast has a huge archive, which includes an episode on the Silk Road, and the Cotton Famine (along with many, many other topics).

BBC Woman’s Hour

This BBC daily podcast recently interviewed Alexander McQueen’s sister and biographer (episode dated 23/03/15), and aired a ‘craft special’ episode (06/04/15).

Any recommendations for podcasts I’ve missed?


Author: Charlotte

Sewist, crafter & blogger, based in Birmingham, England. I'm spending the year growing and gathering to create natural dyes and enhance my sewing projects. Find me at englishgirlathome.com

One thought on “Favourite Crafty Podcasts

  1. Some french girl have made video podcast on sewing and knitting, you can find a list here : http://leslubiesdelouise.com/2015/04/23/silence-elles-tournent-la-folie-des-podcasts-tricot-couture/


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